FIRST of all, we sincerely regret our undue delay in talking out Monograph-2, second of the series of six, as proposed at the outset.

In Monograph-1, our attempt was to clear some of the major confusions existing in popular perception on various communist posers, in a dialogic form and to reiterate, in course, basic Marxist positions on issues involved. Here we dare take a little unorthodox recourse to arrive at Marxist understanding on some other issues, mostly uncovered in its precursor and we have retained the same dialogic form.

The questions selected may not always correspond with the usual queries in popular mind, but they are thought provoking, nevertheless. The way the answers arc structured may be somewhat non-traditional, but they are definitely in consonance with the lexicon used in contemporary Marxist studies. The discourse at times may appear to be not so simple; that is perhaps the price one has to pay to make way for newer approaches and idioms. Commitment for new idiom may have weighed heavier than that for simplicity and it may take rather heavier toll of die readers' concentration, but once you take this pain, you are sure to be refreshed with a gush of new light and newer arenas are thrown open. That is what is extremely important for the new generations of students of Marxism.

“WE do not set ourselves up against the world in doctrinaire fashion with a new principle : Here is the truth! Here you must knee! ... we do not seek to anticipate the new world dogmatically, but rather to discover it in the criticism of the old. ... It is not our task to build up the future in advance and to settle all problems for all time; our task is ruthless criticism of everything that exists, ruthless in the sense that the criticism will not shrink either from its own conclusions or from conflict with the powers that be …”